Reconciliation Action Plan

GML is proud to publish our second Reflect Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP), endorsed by Reconciliation Australia.

First Nations heritage is part of the rich fabric of this country. Our vision for reconciliation is a future where the rich cultures, histories and contributions of First Nations peoples in Australia are heard, embraced and celebrated.

Through our work in cultural heritage management and conservation, GML is privileged to learn from, support and build meaningful partnerships with First Nations communities across Australia. We recognise that First Nations heritage and knowledge are integral to Australia’s cultural identity and shaping cultural expression.

“In 2023, we established our first Reflect RAP as a testament to our commitment to reconciliation. With our second RAP, we aim to build on the initiatives and achievements of the past two years,” said GML Chief Executive Officer and RAP Champion Sharon Veale.

“We encourage everyone at GML to deepen their awareness of First Nations experiences and be part of the journey toward greater understanding, healing, and change.”

You are invited to read GML’s Reflect Reconciliation Action Plan and learn more about our reconciliation journey.

About our RAP cover art

Our RAP cover artwork, titled ‘Ngullingah Jugun Cries for Truth 3’, is by Bundjalung artist, author and illustrator, Dr Bronwyn Bancroft AM.

The artwork is currently featured in ‘The Country Cries for Truth’  at the State Library of NSW, an exhibition exploring the enduring connections between Country and kin, alongside the complicated and continuing impacts of colonisation and dispossession.

The work responds to Country and colonisation, simultaneously depicting the powerful and compelling presence of First Peoples with vibrant colours and patterns that reclaim space and place, while highlighting the imposition of settler colonialism on Bundjalung Country.

Dr Bancroft helps us see and reflect on the all-too-often hidden or silent but persistent historical truths at the heart of Country and nationhood, using her family’s own experience of survival, resistance and resilience.

GML thanks Dr Bancroft for generously granting permission for us to use this powerful image on our RAP cover.


‘Ngullingah Jugun Cries for Truth 3’, 2023–24
Scene near Lionsville, c1872
Mixed media and photography

Copyright and courtesy of the artist, Dr Bronwyn Bancroft
Artwork uses State Library of NSW collection photograph of Lionsville, 1872–73, by JW Lindt, PXA 1128.