The Department of Defence has one of Australia’s largest portfolios of heritage places.
GML Heritage continues to be trusted by the Australian government to supply heritage services and advice across Australian Defence bases to support the protection of national interests.
Our portfolio of Defence services spans over 25 years. During this time, we have demonstrated our capability and capacity to deliver heritage services that are operationally astute, pragmatic, and aligned to legislative obligations under the EPBC Act. GML is a heritage consultant member of the Defence Infrastructure Panel (DIP) with an established reputation in the industry for delivering strategic heritage advice to Defence, their contractors and suppliers.
GML’s expertise includes effective engagement with First Nations communities, and covers all heritage environments, natural, Indigenous and historic. Our team of technical specialists based in Canberra, Melbourne and Sydney are urban planners, architects, archaeologists, cultural landscape and interpretation specialists. Our people are committed to shaping new futures for Australia’s heritage and are proud to support Defence across their significant portfolio of places.
GML has completed hundreds of heritage assignments across the Defence estate, including:
guidelines for Indigenous heritage consultation
major infrastructure, base redevelopment projects, requiring heritage impact assessments
high-level policy, divestment and disposal, planning and strategic projects
heritage interpretation and thematic histories
base-wide heritage management plans
conservation advice and maintenance guidelines