Local to Global Heritage
Identifying and understanding heritage values, locally and globally
From global to local, our team of heritage experts have unparalleled experience. We have worked with several agencies internationally and at World Heritage Listed places overseas and within Australia. In our work with state and territory governments, councils, organisations and communities across a range of places, we are trusted to understand and apply the various listing criteria, and recognise community values and perceptions in relation to heritage management practice.
We appreciate that heritage places are centred on people and communities. Whether local or global, listed or unlisted, values need to be carefully identified and understood to inform sound assessment, planning and management. We know that sometimes official and unofficial views differ, as do local perceptions of heritage planning policies.
We work with clients and communities to identify, assess, manage and conserve all types of heritage places. Our team listen deeply and understand how to assess places for their heritage value at all levels—locally, statewide, nationally and globally.
Our advice and plans for the conservation, use and presentation of heritage places demonstrates the enduring value and impact of our work, combined with our contribution to ICOMOS missions, working groups and scientific committees.
Our services:
- Heritage assessments
- Strategic advice
- Conservation management planning
- World Heritage nomination dossiers
- Capacity building
- Interpretation planning