GML supports a Voice to Parliament
GML stands beside First Nations peoples in the call for voice, treaty, and truth in the Uluru Statement from the Heart, and we support constitutional recognition through a Voice to Parliament.
This year’s theme for National Reconciliation Week – Be a Voice for Generations – encourages all Australians to be a voice for reconciliation.
With the launch of our first Reconciliation Action Plan, GML is proud to use its voice and act to support the recognition and respect of First Nations peoples’ knowledge, cultures, and stories. We believe First Nations histories and heritage are at the heart of Australia’s distinctive cultural identity, diversity, and richness.
GML stands beside First Nations peoples in the call for voice, treaty, and truth in the Uluru Statement from the Heart, and we support constitutional recognition through a Voice to Parliament.
We understand that a Voice to Parliament will provide an avenue for Indigenous communities to help to inform policy and legal decisions that impact their lives and deliver meaningful change.
Embedding a Voice in the Constitution would recognise the important place First Nations peoples have in Australian life.
Voting Yes in the Referendum is a way each one of us can take a step in the right direction towards reconciliation.