Hendry Wan
Senior Associate


Hendry Wan is a heritage specialist and placemaking strategist with over 20 years’ experience in state government, local government and the private sector.

Hendry is also experienced in regulatory approvals and integration of land use with heritage sites and urban renewal.

Hendry has expertise in heritage conservation, urban and heritage policy, strategic heritage frameworks, technical heritage advice and heritage assessment of the built environment. He has extensive experience in engaging stakeholders and collaborating with decision-makers and other parties involved in placemaking, particularly for precinct-wide State Significant Development (SSD) and road, rail and maritime State Significant Infrastructure projects.

Hendry has been involved in all stages of major projects’ development—from project identification and design, development application and planning assessment through to approvals and delivery. He has an expert understanding of state, local and Commonwealth heritage policies, planning pathways, statutory requirements and processes.


Download Hendry’s CV


‘I am passionate about joining the dots in heritage place management—collaborating with multiple stakeholders, conserving and integrating heritage places into a broader ‘place’ ecosystem.’


Master of Heritage Conservation, University of Sydney

Master of Urban Policy and Strategy, University of New South Wales

Bachelor of Science (Architecture) Honours, University of New South Wales

Graduate Certificate in Survey Design and Data Analysis, University of New South Wales

Professional affiliations

Executive Committee (2024–2026) and International Member, Australia ICOMOS

Member, National Trust of Australia (NSW)

Full Member, Planning Institute of Australia

Affiliate Member, Australian Institute of Architects