Aradale Asylum Masterplan
Heritage Opportunities and Constraints
Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Due Diligence Assessment
Masterplan Input
Ararat Rural City Council
Tract Consulting
Ararat, VIC
Djab Wurrung Country
GML was part of the broader team providing Heritage Advisory Services for the Aradale Asylum Masterplan for the Ararat Rural City Council.
The former Ararat Asylum (now known as Aradale Asylum) is a complex heritage site located on the land of the Djab Wurrung people who are now represented by the Eastern Maar Aboriginal Corporation. Built between 1864 and 1867, the asylum was established on a 250-acre reserve east of the Ararat township. The buildings and grounds are historically and architecturally significant to the State of Victoria.
GML’s heritage services included a Heritage Opportunities and Constraints report and a companion Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Due Diligence Assessment report which was used to feed into a Concept Master Plan & Feasibility Report.
The Heritage Opportunities and Constraints assessment provided an in-depth assessment of the remaining buildings on the property and their condition, to guide the masterplanning process for the Aradale Asylum site. Recommendations were provided to ensure the ongoing protection of the buildings during future developments. GML consulted with Heritage Victoria and other stakeholders throughout this process. The assessment report included consideration of constraints, statutory requirements, and opportunities, as well as recommendations for the client Tract Consulting and the Ararat Rural City Council.
The Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Due Diligence Assessment undertaken by GML determined the types and presence of previously recorded Aboriginal places within proximity to the Aradale Asylum ground. The historical disturbance that had taken place within the area was assessed against the likelihood of any unknown Aboriginal places within the grounds, and all areas of archaeological potential were mapped. The Registered Aboriginal Party was consulted throughout the masterplanning stages and provided ideas and feedback for future use and possible opportunities for the space.
Future obligations under the Heritage Act 2017, Aboriginal Heritage Act 2006 and the Aboriginal Heritage Regulations 2018 were included in both reports to assist in masterplanning and future developments. These were then incorporated into the masterplan and three future designs for the site.

Aradale Asylum

Inside Aradale Asylum