Historic Heritage Bushfire Vulnerability Assessment Framework

Bushfire Vulnerability Assessment Framework
Heritage Advice

NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service

New South Wales

Fire has been a significant part of the landscape for thousands of years, with heritage places across NSW lost or severely threatened.

The NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) engaged GML to develop a bushfire vulnerability assessment framework for historic heritage across the state of NSW.

The purpose of this groundbreaking piece of work is to enable the inclusion of heritage places in bushfire risk modelling and bushfire risk management plans prepared by the state’s local bushfire management committees.

The framework has been prepared in close consultation with the NPWS, Heritage NSW and the NSW Rural Fire Service, as well as subject matter experts in all types of historic heritage (built heritage, archaeology, heritage landscapes, collections and movable heritage), bushfire risk management, fire and structural engineering, and materials science.

The framework considers the exposure and vulnerability of heritage attributes to bushfires (flames, heat, embers, high winds, smoke and ash) and to the mitigation measures employed to reduce fire risk in preparation for fire, during fire response and post-fire cleanup. It considers the materiality, form and physical context of the heritage, and the mitigation measures already employed.

The framework will form the foundation for development of future bushfire risk management strategies for heritage places, hazard reduction planning and post-bushfire response and recovery of heritage in NSW.


Fire regrowth in Kosciuszko National Park. Photo: National Parks & Wildlife Service

Kiandra heritage precinct in Kosciuszko National Park. Photo: National Parks & Wildlife Service