Mulwala Homestead Precinct
Stabilisation and Cyclical Maintenance Schedule
Department of Defence
Thales Australia
Federation, NSW
The Mulwala Homestead Precinct is a large late nineteenth-century pastoral property located on an active Defence site.
In 2015, GML developed a strategic and innovative approach to its long-term conservation and interpretation.
GML assessed the condition of the structures on site and developed a program of intensive maintenance and stabilisation works on the homestead and associated shearing shed and dining hall.
To preserve the site’s evocative homestead and ancillary buildings, GML produced a stabilisation and cyclical maintenance plan. This provided detailed instructions and timeframes for works to conserve them into the future.

Recognising the potential value of 3D recording to capture the fragile site for future digital interpretation, GML worked with RPS Australia East to record the important structures in the landscape using both traditional photography and 3D terrestrial scanning.

The dilapidated shearing shed at Mulwala Homestead.

Thales Australia
Sydney Restoration Company
RPS Australia East