Luna Park and the Palais Theatre

Palais Theatre and Luna Park Precinct Revitalisation

Heritage Impact Statement
Due Diligence Assessment
Cultural Heritage Management Plan

City of Port Philip Council

St Kilda, VIC

GML was engaged to provide heritage advice for the revitalisation of two Melbourne’s iconic landmarks

GML Heritage Victoria was engaged to undertake a heritage impact statement and Aboriginal due diligence assessment for the City of Port Phillip as part of the Palais Theatre and Luna Park Precinct Revitalisation project.

For the due diligence assessment, the proposed works for the site were reviewed in accordance with the requirements of the Aboriginal Heritage Act 2006 and Aboriginal Heritage Regulations 2018. The assessment resulted in a recommendation that a Cultural Heritage Management Plan (CHMP) be prepared.

GML Heritage Victoria was then commissioned to undertake the CHMP. The plan was undertaken as a desktop assessment and was approved by the Bunurong Land Council Aboriginal Corporation (the Registered Aboriginal Party for the site) and First Peoples – State Relations.

The preparation of the heritage impact statement and CHMP took two years, overcoming issues brought on by the Covid19 pandemic. During this time Bunurong Land Council Aboriginal Corporation was appointed the Registered Aboriginal Party for the area, so additional consultation was held to ensure Bunurong was meaningfully engaged throughout the CHMP process.

The approved CHMP allows for the revitalisation of the Palais Theatre and Luna Park Precinct to occur, to create a safer, pedestrian-friendly, attractive and usable space.