Parramatta CBD Heritage Interface Areas
Review of Planning Controls
NSW Department of Planning and Environment
Parramatta, NSW
Dharug Country
Parramatta is a vibrant and dynamic city at the core of the Central River City. Its CBD is currently experiencing considerable transformation and growth.
GML was commissioned by the Department of Planning and Environment to deliver a peer review of heritage advice provided in relation to localities within the Parramatta CBD that interface with heritage conservation areas (HCAs) and state and local heritage items.
To assist the Department in its consideration of the Parramatta CBD Planning Proposal, GML undertook a peer review of previous heritage advice focused on specific localities within the Parramatta CBD that interface with HCAs and heritage items. We reviewed background documents, including heritage studies, the Parramatta CBD Planning Proposal, Council resolutions and site-specific planning proposals.
In our assessment of heritage interface areas, we analysed whether the most appropriate controls have been recommended to ensure the protection of heritage items and conservation areas. We also recommended new controls where appropriate.