Royal Exhibition Building and Carlton Gardens
World Heritage Management Plan
Heritage Victoria
REB and CG World Heritage Steering Committee
Melbourne, VIC
Wurundjeri Country
The Royal Exhibition Building and Carlton Gardens is an historically significant site inscribed on the World Heritage List. GML reviewed and updated the statutory World Heritage Management Plan that guides the overarching management of the property.
The Royal Exhibition Building and Carlton Gardens (REB and CG) was inscribed on the World Heritage List in 2004. It is globally important as a surviving manifestation of the international exhibition movement which blossomed in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.
The REB and CG must be managed under a World Heritage Management Plan (WHMP) in accordance with Victorian and Commonwealth legislation, delivered by its World Heritage Steering Committee. GML was commissioned in 2022 to review and update the 2013 WHMP for the site.
GML worked closely with Heritage Victoria and the World Heritage Steering Committee to identify their needs from the revised WHMP, including management and conservation issues needing clarification or further guidance. GML also considered community and stakeholder input from a variety of sources to ensure the WHMP responded to community expectations and concerns. GML reviewed the existing WHMP and identified the opportunities to coordinate and align with the associated attachments which together provide guidance for the entire site (including GML’s REB and CG Traditional Owner and First People Cultural Values Assessment).
GML’s revised WHMP establishes a clear, updated framework for the governance of the site and the relationship between different documents, in the form of GML’s Overview Site Management Plan. This report will assist the World Heritage Steering Committee into the future to continue managing the REB and CG to the outstanding standard its World Heritage status deserves.