The Ribbon, Darling Harbour

Heritage Impact Assessment
Schedule of Conservation Works
Archaeological Assessment, Research Design and Excavation
Interpretation Strategy

Grocon / Probuild

Darling Harbour, Sydney
Gadigal Country

The Ribbon project was a State Significant Development at Darling Harbour, comprising the construction of the luxury W Hotel, serviced apartments, retail spaces, a new IMAX theatre, and public domain upgrades.

GML provided a range of heritage and archaeological services for the project. These included preparing a heritage impact assessment, schedule of conservation works, historical archaeological assessment and research design, archaeological investigation report and heritage interpretation strategy.

The site presented a highly constrained and logistically complex environment, located beneath the Western Distributor and working around live in-ground services. However, it had potential for archaeological remains of former wharves and maritime infrastructure associated with the development of Darling Harbour. Our archaeological research design included a monitoring and salvage excavation methodology that responded to both the construction program and site constraints.

The archaeological investigations uncovered evidence of the nineteenth-century development of Darling Harbour as a commercial maritime port. Findings included deep fill layers from multiple reclamation phases; timber piles likely from a wharf built by James Wilshire, who operated a nearby slaughter and salting yard during the 1820s; and structures linked to a nineteenth-century coal wharf and timber mill. Remains from late nineteenth- and twentieth-century housing redevelopments adjacent to the wharves were also uncovered, including a paved surface from Washington Lane, a brick cesspit, and warehouse footings.

The heritage assessment evaluated the site’s heritage significance and potential impacts from the redevelopment and outlined recommendations to mitigate these impacts. Built heritage items identified as part of the assessment included Sewage Pumping Station No. 12, the Darling Harbour Carousel, and Pyrmont Bridge. GML provided documentation and technical oversight during the conservation works for the Sewage Pumping Station.

Image: Aerial photographic survey, 1949. City of Sydney Archives.

The site revealed archaeological remains of former wharves and maritime infrastructure associated with the development of Darling Harbour.

Timber platform uncovered during excavation. Photo: GML Heritage