Transport Oriented Development
Heritage Significance Assessment
Precinct and site-specific heritage development controls
Heritage design guidance
Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure
Homebush and Bankstown, NSW
The NSW Government’s Transport Oriented Development (TOD) program aims to increase housing capacity around 39 existing transport hubs and new Metro lines across Sydney, Newcastle, the Illawarra and Central Coast. Homebush and Bankstown are two of the eight precincts prioritised for state-led TOD rezoning.
The Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure (DPHI) engaged GML to provide iterative heritage advice and prepare heritage significance assessments for the Homebush and Bankstown TOD precincts. GML’s reports were prepared to accompany the public exhibition of the proposed rezoning.
GML’s heritage reports clarified what places and sites are valued within the respective precincts, why they are valued, and how cultural heritage should be protected and incorporated in future planning proposals and development applications.
For both projects, GML provided heritage principles and development controls for inclusion in the urban design framework that was prepared by a comprehensive masterplanning team. This included general heritage design guidance, as well as precinct and site-specific heritage principles.
Collaboration with the project teams across all technical disciplines refined proposed lot consolidations, heights, setbacks and transitions, to minimise potential impacts on the significance of heritage items and conservation areas. Our methodology also included workshops and review of proposed masterplans, supported by a close working relationship with DPHI.
GML’s whole-of-place approach recognises that a historic urban landscape is always changing and is more than built form, requiring the identification, recognition and protection of significant urban values that define the character and identity of such places.
Learn more about the Transport Oriented Development Program’s accelerated precincts.
Hero image: Aerial view of Homebush, taken between 1935 and 1942. Source: Mitchell Library, State Library of NSW.