ANU University House
Heritage Management Plan
Australian National University
Canberra, ACT
University House was the first major building constructed at the ANU.
GML prepared a Heritage Management Plan that complements day-to-day management of the Modernist building in its manifestation as a boutique hotel.
Designed by prominent architect Brian Lewis and opened in 1954, University House was originally a residential college for professors and graduate students. The ceremonial heart of the university, it hosted balls and other formal functions.
As University House remains a hotel, GML assisted the ANU to balance its operating needs against the conservation requirements of the heritage values. We outlined practical policies for the conservation and retention of original fabric, including custom-designed furniture, fittings and artwork, as well as opportunities for upgrades to meet contemporary accommodation standards.
GML also conducted stakeholder meetings, an online survey and a public workshop, ensuring community perspectives were incorporated into conservation, management and interpretation initiatives.
Landscape design is a special feature of the ANU. GML’s conservation guidelines will help the university manage University House’s peaceful courtyard, pond, open lawns and Fellows Garden into the future.
The ceremonial grounds of University House contribute to its heritage value.
Phillip Leeson Architects