Hornsby Shire Heritage Gap Analysis and Action Plan
Heritage Gap Analysis
Heritage Action Plan
Hornsby Shire Council
Hornsby LGA
(Image Source: Hornsby Shire Library)
Hornsby Shire Council commissioned GML in 2019 to undertake a gap analysis of its heritage management systems and processes and prepare an action plan to inform a future comprehensive Hornsby Shire Council Heritage Study.
Hornsby Council has a strong commitment to the conservation of natural, built and Aboriginal heritage, conducting regular reviews of its heritage studies and listings. GML’s gap analysis identified additional initiatives that build on Council’s current measures to achieve best practice heritage management within the NSW legislative framework.
GML then developed a detailed Action Plan for Council, including priority actions and estimated costs. This Action Plan contains a comprehensive suite of future tasks to ensure Hornsby’s heritage management meets current best practice and positions Council as a leader in local government heritage management.
The Hornsby Heritage Action Plan will enable Council to respond to the changing context, demography and community expectations about heritage. On 8 May 2019, Hornsby Council voted to place the Hornsby Shire Council Heritage Action Plan on public exhibition.