Blundells Cottage Recognised at ACT National Trust Awards
A certificate for significant contribution to heritage conservation has been awarded to the interpretation strategy and web app at Blundells Cottage.
Blundells Cottage, built in 1860, has a unique story to tell that traces the development of the nation’s capital. Nestled in the Limestone Plains, this cottage is also bound to an ancient landscape that has undergone dramatic change over centuries.
The National Capital Authority recognised the opportunity to improve the way in which these stories are told through a greater understanding and awareness of the site and its surrounding landscape, commissioning GML Heritage to develop an Interpretation Strategy for the place.
We are so pleased that the interpretation strategy and web app has been recognised by The National Trust ACT Heritage Awards, with a certificate for significant contribution to heritage conservation.
The interpretation strategy includes a suite of recommendations to elevate the stories of the place from deep time to the present, including soundscapes, projections, a signage trail, workshops and public art, which culminate in an immersive experience for visitors.
Congratulations to the National Capital Authority and all involved.