GML Contributes to Bylong Coal Mine Decision
GML provided heritage advice to the Department of Planning and Environment, that contributed to the Independent Planning Commission’s (IPC) decision to refuse the Bylong Coal Mine project near Mudgee, NSW.
GML CEO, Sharon Veale, and Senior Heritage Consultant, Minna Muhlen-Schulte, provided advice about the heritage values of the area. The principle of intergenerational equity was central to the IPC decision. It determined that the ‘long-term environmental, heritage and agricultural costs would be borne by future generations’. More specifically, the expected level of disturbance to the existing natural landscape would be too damaging to the heritage, aesthetic, natural and scenic values of the place. The project was deemed not to be in the public interest and contrary to the principles of ecologically sustainable development. As many Australians prepare to take to the streets for #climate strike, to urge government to take stronger action on climate change this decision by the IPC is a step towards a sustainable future.